The holidays are over and if you're like me (hopefully not) I put my writing on hold. Time to get back to the grindstone, set goals and be productive in 2013 especially with my writing.
I set my goal several weeks ago and proclaimed to my fellow Facebook friends what I plan on attempting this year. My goal is to edit my WIP and submit it to a publisher by May 31st 2013. Is this possible for me? Maybe. Have I ever reached goals that I have set for myself in previous years. No.
What makes this year different? I don't know but I have to take it one minute at a time, one hour, one day, and one week at a time and I need to forge ahead.
I read an article and will reference it in this blog. It is:
I Am In Charge of My Own Writing.
My novel is not going to write itself and what is holding me back? I tell myself that it's not fear, I can handle rejection. What I really am afraid of is the fact that I may never have written or tried to write anything before I leave this world.
If my life were to end tomorrow, my greatest regret is never finishing a novel. I always tell myself, I'll write in a half hour and then the entire day goes by. Then I tell myself, I'll start in the morning and I'll go back to it in thirty minutes and again time slips away.
Ten years ago I joined my first writing group and I am no closer to finishing my first novel. Ideas float around in my head and I scribble them down and sometimes I think I should start writing on a new story. A writer friend told me several years ago, to knock it off, stick with the one story and finish it. Great Advice.
Deep down, I am afraid that my writing is awful. No one will like my novel. And so in my mind, in lieu of finishing that book--I don't write and I'll never know if anyone will like my novel. Simple. I thought I was brave and strong. However, writing leaves me vulnerable.
I need to take a chance. During my lifetime I have gone on many job interviews and many times I thought I aced the interview and the employer loved me. I was positive I would get hired. Then I find out that I didn't get the job. Sure I was devastated but I tell myself that it wasn't meant to be and continued looking for a job.
I'm going to focus on my writing the same way. I will write, set small goals and know that there is a finish line. I can do this.
No one is going to kick my butt every morning and tell me to start writing. I have to do this for myself and be fearless. My novel is not going to write itself.