The holidays are over and if you're like me (hopefully not) I put my writing on hold. Time to get back to the grindstone, set goals and be productive in 2013 especially with my writing.
I set my goal several weeks ago and proclaimed to my fellow Facebook friends what I plan on attempting this year. My goal is to edit my WIP and submit it to a publisher by May 31st 2013. Is this possible for me? Maybe. Have I ever reached goals that I have set for myself in previous years. No.
What makes this year different? I don't know but I have to take it one minute at a time, one hour, one day, and one week at a time and I need to forge ahead.
I read an article and will reference it in this blog. It is:
I Am In Charge of My Own Writing.
My novel is not going to write itself and what is holding me back? I tell myself that it's not fear, I can handle rejection. What I really am afraid of is the fact that I may never have written or tried to write anything before I leave this world.
If my life were to end tomorrow, my greatest regret is never finishing a novel. I always tell myself, I'll write in a half hour and then the entire day goes by. Then I tell myself, I'll start in the morning and I'll go back to it in thirty minutes and again time slips away.
Ten years ago I joined my first writing group and I am no closer to finishing my first novel. Ideas float around in my head and I scribble them down and sometimes I think I should start writing on a new story. A writer friend told me several years ago, to knock it off, stick with the one story and finish it. Great Advice.
Deep down, I am afraid that my writing is awful. No one will like my novel. And so in my mind, in lieu of finishing that book--I don't write and I'll never know if anyone will like my novel. Simple. I thought I was brave and strong. However, writing leaves me vulnerable.
I need to take a chance. During my lifetime I have gone on many job interviews and many times I thought I aced the interview and the employer loved me. I was positive I would get hired. Then I find out that I didn't get the job. Sure I was devastated but I tell myself that it wasn't meant to be and continued looking for a job.
I'm going to focus on my writing the same way. I will write, set small goals and know that there is a finish line. I can do this.
No one is going to kick my butt every morning and tell me to start writing. I have to do this for myself and be fearless. My novel is not going to write itself.
Dee Ann Carlson Author
Romance Can Be Fun!
Monday, January 7, 2013
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Ideas. Where do they come from?
For me, ideas come easily. While in college and taking marketing classes, I would get my greatest thoughts while driving back and forth to work or school.
I still get awesome ideas for new books while in the car, however they're not the entire story. They are usually just the preliminaries without the guts of the story. And that is the hard part. Numerous stories are started with enthusiasm and gusto because I know this book will be the one I finish.
Not so. Once past what I call the "honeymoon stage" my story falters and poops out. What the heck, I ask myself. Now what to do?
Back to the car and drive around to get my idea for a new book. That is what I used to do. I have fallen into the abyss of beginning numerous books with a sorry plot and no ending.
Remember the little engine that could? The train would go up the hill, plugging away, full steam ahead and get to the top of the tracks and teeter on the edge. Hanging there and stuck or waiting for a nudge.
My friend, Kim told me something very valuable--stop starting a new novel and just keep writing.
That nudge or idea needs to come from me with the help of my characters.
So now when I find myself lingering or stuck, I write several scenarios of the scene and practice WWMCD. What Would My Character Do?
I visualize several forks in the road or many forks. Or many closed doors and the character needs to choose either door number one, two, three, four and so on.
This is the tough part in obtaining ideas. Watching TV helps as I see something exciting, odd or wildly outlandish and model it to fit my character's situation. People-watching is helpful as well. Mannerisms can trigger something in my head and I'll shape it to my novel.
I have so many life experiences, especially with friends and family. I don't want to emulate a direct situation so I tweak it. Add some flare, a spark or something wildly different.
Writing prompts offer me a workout for my brain--getting my juices flowing.
There is also a way of planning or hatching new ideas by using the Snowflake Method. This process provides structure and a more defined way to clearly put your ideas in order and/or plot. A definite must for myself.
The above are just a few ways that I obtain ideas and where I go from here. In future blogs, I am going to follow-up with the snowflake writing methodology step-by-step. Stay tuned . . . .
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Why So Many Emails?
This blog is to focus on my utilization of numerous email accounts and the number of emails that I have in my inbox.
I believe I am normal when I proclaim that I have several email addresses. I have my main account which is Gmail and there is an amazing setting where I can have my other email accounts literally dump into one account.
I don't have to go out of the program, open another and wait for it to boot up. However, I have noticed that there is a lag time when emails are sent to my Cox account to come over from Gmail account.
Why Gmail? Besides taking over the world with Google Chrome which is my favorite search engine, Google Circles is a social medium and Google allows me to sign into YouTube easily and numerous other websites. And of course, as I mentioned the versatility of funneling my other accounts, not necessarily Gmail accounts, into one particular email account.
I have a personal affinity for my very first email address which is dee4huskers and that pretty much says it all as I am a die hard Nebraska football fan.
I created Yahoo email accounts so that I could join Yahoo groups and this account also dumps into one account. The downfall is that when I respond to a Yahoo Group email from my Gmail account, it comes back as undelivered. I have done everything to correct this issue but Gmail and Yahoo do not play nice together.
I use the other emails for various reasons. One is for writing, one is for personal emails and another is for group emails.
As I was checking my emails this morning I looked at the number of emails I have in my email account.
I have 68,378 emails dating all the way back to 2008. Does this make me an email hoarder? Probably, but someday I may need that information. I go back through them every month or so and see emails from people that I haven't talked to in a while.
And I definitely keep all emails with account information such as login information and I keep all emails with writing tips and advice.
I have been doing really good lately by spending a few minutes a day deleting the junk email that rolls in daily.
This is definitely a work in progress and as of today (3/6/12) I've deleted all clutter emails back to February 22. One day at a time.
Dee Ann W
I believe I am normal when I proclaim that I have several email addresses. I have my main account which is Gmail and there is an amazing setting where I can have my other email accounts literally dump into one account.
I don't have to go out of the program, open another and wait for it to boot up. However, I have noticed that there is a lag time when emails are sent to my Cox account to come over from Gmail account.
Why Gmail? Besides taking over the world with Google Chrome which is my favorite search engine, Google Circles is a social medium and Google allows me to sign into YouTube easily and numerous other websites. And of course, as I mentioned the versatility of funneling my other accounts, not necessarily Gmail accounts, into one particular email account.
I have a personal affinity for my very first email address which is dee4huskers and that pretty much says it all as I am a die hard Nebraska football fan.
I created Yahoo email accounts so that I could join Yahoo groups and this account also dumps into one account. The downfall is that when I respond to a Yahoo Group email from my Gmail account, it comes back as undelivered. I have done everything to correct this issue but Gmail and Yahoo do not play nice together.
I use the other emails for various reasons. One is for writing, one is for personal emails and another is for group emails.
As I was checking my emails this morning I looked at the number of emails I have in my email account.
I have 68,378 emails dating all the way back to 2008. Does this make me an email hoarder? Probably, but someday I may need that information. I go back through them every month or so and see emails from people that I haven't talked to in a while.
And I definitely keep all emails with account information such as login information and I keep all emails with writing tips and advice.

This is definitely a work in progress and as of today (3/6/12) I've deleted all clutter emails back to February 22. One day at a time.
Dee Ann W
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Motivation - Make a Difference
The irony of the story below is something that I have done the same thing several times.
I too had walked on a beach and I found snails in their shell that had washed up on shore. The shells were the size of my first and I picked one up and found that there was someone or something inside. I too pitched it into the ocean. I worried later did I do the right thing as -- did the snail die on impact or was this part of their life cyle?
I did think that I was doing the right thing. I was something that was living.
There was a man taking a morning wa lk at or the beach. He saw that along with the morning tide came hundreds of starfish and when the tide receded, they were left behind and with the morning sun rays, they would die. The tide was fresh and the starfish were alive. The man took a few steps, picked one and threw it into the water. He did that repeatedly. Right behind him there was another person who couldn't understand what this man was doing. He caught up with him and asked, "What are you doing? There are hundreds of starfish. How many can you help? What difference does it make?" This man did not reply, took two more steps, picked up another one, threw it into the water, and said, "It makes a difference to this one."
What difference are we making? Big or small, it does not matter. If everyone made a small difference, we'd end up with a big difference, wouldn't we?
Sunday, November 13, 2011
A topic close to my heart
I maintain another blog as I'm a huge Nebraska football fan.
The huskers played Penn State yesterday in what was a highly emotional, somber and game that really was not about football. Nebraska was dragged into the scandal of Penn State by the mere fact of the Big Ten Schedule for November 12, 2011. It was a game that I would have preferred to have cancelled or moved to another location.
If you have lived under a rock for the past week or don't watch the news--you may have missed the huge scandal that initiated the firing of Joe Paterno. A firing which I feel was necessary.
The horrendous events that the alleged victims endured over many years by Jerry Sandusky in the child molestation scandal is disgusting. So many wrongs happened over the years and from what I've read, in my humble opinion, nothing was done to stop the abuse. I know that the truth will come out and the people involved will be punished. My prayers go out to the alleged victims and their families. And to those who are ignorant of facts--don't make statements unless you have the facts.
I watched the game yesterday and there were people in the stands that had signs that said "This game is for you, Joe," or "We love you Joe." Okay there is a commradarie for Coach Paterno as their long time coach. I'm not sure if I could stand behind a coach who did nothing. Who did not report what he knew happened relating to the scandal. These were young boys. I admit I don't have all the facts but I am adding a link below to the deposition from Attorney regarding the alleged victims.
Lastly, I think that Joe Paterno loved the spotlight, loved the thought of being the oldest coach still around at an outstanding school and stayed on for the fame. He made it to the top and is a legend. However, as the saying goes "the higher you go, the harder you fall."
Nebraska did win against Penn State yesterday but if I had to guess, I don't think the Nebraska players and coaches wanted to play in this type of atmosphere. There is a lot of healing and legal issues to be resolved at Penn State and I hope for both.
Link to deposition . . .
The huskers played Penn State yesterday in what was a highly emotional, somber and game that really was not about football. Nebraska was dragged into the scandal of Penn State by the mere fact of the Big Ten Schedule for November 12, 2011. It was a game that I would have preferred to have cancelled or moved to another location.
If you have lived under a rock for the past week or don't watch the news--you may have missed the huge scandal that initiated the firing of Joe Paterno. A firing which I feel was necessary.
The horrendous events that the alleged victims endured over many years by Jerry Sandusky in the child molestation scandal is disgusting. So many wrongs happened over the years and from what I've read, in my humble opinion, nothing was done to stop the abuse. I know that the truth will come out and the people involved will be punished. My prayers go out to the alleged victims and their families. And to those who are ignorant of facts--don't make statements unless you have the facts.
I watched the game yesterday and there were people in the stands that had signs that said "This game is for you, Joe," or "We love you Joe." Okay there is a commradarie for Coach Paterno as their long time coach. I'm not sure if I could stand behind a coach who did nothing. Who did not report what he knew happened relating to the scandal. These were young boys. I admit I don't have all the facts but I am adding a link below to the deposition from Attorney regarding the alleged victims.
Lastly, I think that Joe Paterno loved the spotlight, loved the thought of being the oldest coach still around at an outstanding school and stayed on for the fame. He made it to the top and is a legend. However, as the saying goes "the higher you go, the harder you fall."
Nebraska did win against Penn State yesterday but if I had to guess, I don't think the Nebraska players and coaches wanted to play in this type of atmosphere. There is a lot of healing and legal issues to be resolved at Penn State and I hope for both.
Link to deposition . . .
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Bacon By Alexandria Williamson
My daughter wrote the following for her college English class:
Take a trip with me to my crispy, warm, happy place; I’m talking about a warm plate of bacon. After a long day at work, in class, or just doing chores I love slaving over a hot oven to broil my favorite food. Broiling with a slotted pan is the only way to get the crispiness that I desire, as opposed to pan frying, or the lesser cousin microwaving. In the oven the bacon pops like a synchronized fireworks show and hits the bright red oven prongs with a sizzle, this causes my natural reaction of “oohs and ahs.” The kitchen fills with smoke and the aroma of a late-night bonfire with a hint of maple syrup. At this point the beautiful little slices of bacon change from a light pink and white color to a dark red and charcoal color. The charcoal texture is not exactly what I look for, but to get the bacon crispy enough there has to be some sacrifices like anything else in life, sometimes the edges are rough, but the inside is what matters. When the sweet little morsels are cooked to perfection they must rest on a paper towel like a little blanket cradling a new born baby. When cooled a little bit, they crispin’ up and glisten with a little of the fat still on the surface. After about three agonizing minutes they are ready to eat and crumble when I pick them up but still stay intact almost like a chocolate bar melting in my fingertips. The flavor is that of nothing else, a sort of black sheep in the meat world. It tastes almost like a mix between beef jerky and hot sauce, hot sauce only because it always leaves a very strong after taste that is indescribable. After I finish a plate of bacon, I always look down at the white plate that is juxtaposed with the little black crumbs and wish I had more. Then again my stomach never agrees and growls because of the spontaneous overload. All I have is the memory of my favorite comfort food that I enjoy when I’m feeling down.
I am impressed and proud of her writing skills. Good job, Alex.
Take a trip with me to my crispy, warm, happy place; I’m talking about a warm plate of bacon. After a long day at work, in class, or just doing chores I love slaving over a hot oven to broil my favorite food. Broiling with a slotted pan is the only way to get the crispiness that I desire, as opposed to pan frying, or the lesser cousin microwaving. In the oven the bacon pops like a synchronized fireworks show and hits the bright red oven prongs with a sizzle, this causes my natural reaction of “oohs and ahs.” The kitchen fills with smoke and the aroma of a late-night bonfire with a hint of maple syrup. At this point the beautiful little slices of bacon change from a light pink and white color to a dark red and charcoal color. The charcoal texture is not exactly what I look for, but to get the bacon crispy enough there has to be some sacrifices like anything else in life, sometimes the edges are rough, but the inside is what matters. When the sweet little morsels are cooked to perfection they must rest on a paper towel like a little blanket cradling a new born baby. When cooled a little bit, they crispin’ up and glisten with a little of the fat still on the surface. After about three agonizing minutes they are ready to eat and crumble when I pick them up but still stay intact almost like a chocolate bar melting in my fingertips. The flavor is that of nothing else, a sort of black sheep in the meat world. It tastes almost like a mix between beef jerky and hot sauce, hot sauce only because it always leaves a very strong after taste that is indescribable. After I finish a plate of bacon, I always look down at the white plate that is juxtaposed with the little black crumbs and wish I had more. Then again my stomach never agrees and growls because of the spontaneous overload. All I have is the memory of my favorite comfort food that I enjoy when I’m feeling down.
I am impressed and proud of her writing skills. Good job, Alex.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
2011 Flooding of Omaha Is Officially Over
Haworth Park, Bellevue |
Mayer Sanders |
Maybe it's my frustration with not being able to plunk the boat in the water on scorching days this past summer but I find Mayor Suttle to be dense. Did he consult the mayor of Bellevue? Does Mayor Sanders have to send out a press release or contact the local news stations?
Omaha is up river, Bellevue is just a few bends down the river, and from here the same flood waters flow down past St. Louis, combines with the Mississippi River and heads to the Gulf of Mexico. Believe me, I'm not brilliant. I knew the river flowed into the Gulf of Mexico but I Googled the exact path. So since Omaha is about 15 minutes up river by boat is it possible that Bellevue is still flooded?
My thought is don't announce the Great Flood of the Missouri River affecting Omaha, Council Bluffs, Bellevue and other local highways and major roadways is done UNTIL all the flood water has receded.
Mayor Suttle |
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